Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Meet the Ladies

Ron and I are really behind on our blog. But maybe you didn't notice. I admit, we have been slacking a bit but I have been cooking more frequently in my Carhartts and even wearing them out and about more. Anyway, here are a few updates from our "small farm."

So it begins. The start of a new experience for us. Yes, we have become one of the "those people" by getting our very own baby chicks in the hopes of having plenty of eggs in the future. With zero experience with chickens, I am loving the first few hours, at least. We got two each of the Rhode Island Red, Black Sex Link, Golden Sex Link, Barred Plymouth Rock and Ameraucanas. We are still working on the names but we did decide the chirpiest of them all will be named Margie after Ron's mom. I think she will be thrilled.

In other news, we got our stove installed downstairs and the bar is almost complete. Ron convinced me that we needed another kegerator so he bought one off of Craig's List from a man who's wife was less than thrilled by his recent purchase. Lucky for Ron he makes good beer so I haven't complained about having his black IPA on tap right now.

I recently took a month long pastry class, which I loved. 6 hours of baking followed by lunch, wine and a sampling of all the desserts was one of the best ways for me to spend my Sundays. However I then became delusional and started going to a naturopath who is not only not covered by my health insurance but insists sugar is ruining my life. A week later I made two batches of amazing ice cream and caramel sauce. So it is a work in progress. But my naturopath will be thrilled to know that Ron and I have been working on our vegetable, fruit and herb seed list for our plot that we plan to do this year. Another thing to take over our lives.

I promise to write more soon and I'm sure we will have tales to tell. And if anyone has advice on how to introduce two border collies to ten chicks, let me know.

1 comment:

  1. Love, love, LOVE!!!!!!!!!
    Yes, more pics of the progress please!!
